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New ABR Models Feature Higher Resolution, Polarization for Improved Performance
BANNER ABR Series barcode readers can now be used to solve even more track and trace applications. New to the series are 2 MP ABR 7000 models offering increased resolution to read smaller codes, over a larger target area, and at greater distances. Polarization is now available in both 1.3 MP and 2 MP ABR 7000 models for improved performance on targets with reflective surfaces or where glare is present. These new models offer superior versatility and performance in challenging applications while retaining the same ease-of-use, compact form factor, and on-board features as the rest of the ABR Series.
They are available in two compact form factors, multiple lighting configurations, a range of resolutions, and numerous lens options.
- Reads a full library of 1D and 2D barcodes
- Two compact form factors rated up to IP67 for use in industrial environments
- Resolutions up to 2MP and multiple lighting configurations and lens focal lengths, including autofocus, to fit any application
- Models for difficult applications, including DPM code reading and polarized windows
- Configures in minutes using on-board push buttons or a PC with fully featured Barcode Manager
- Versatile lens options, including software adjustable autofocus, simplify setup and configuration
- Configure over Industrial Ethernet, Serial and USB to simplify device integration and enable IIoT data collection
- Web interface for monitoring, configuring, and reviewing statistics remotely on any network