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Pick-to-Light: All-in-one Solutions
Pick-to-Light: All-in-one Solutions for Assembly and Picking Applications
Turck Banner Pick-to-Light solutions provide operators with a visual indication of the required part in an assembly sequence. Actions (correct or false) are indicated by means of lights and optional audible signals. Completed operations can either be automatically or manually acknowledged.
All components in the Pick-to-Light systems are perfectly matched ensuring quick and reliable installation and maintenance.
Process optimization
- Visual process management opens up manifold possibilities for process improvement:
- Improved flexibility; personnel require next to no training
- Improved and repeatable process quality
- Quality management/control by means of process logging
- Interfaces to warehouse control, ERP-systems…
- Drastically reduced installation, commissioning and maintenance times
- Virtually 100 % error free installation
Pick-to-Light functionality
- Control the picking/production sequence
- Change the sequence via e.g. RFID or database
- Manual teaching of sequences
- Wireless connections to comissioning trolleys and other mobile objects
- Error handling and documentation
- Optional HMI for visual feedback, configuration and information
- Authorisation/clearance using RFID, barcode, HMI…
- Restocking etc. using barcodes, RFID…